Friday, January 1, 2010

Not of This World (reference, John 18:36) is my first conceptual scherenschnitte. I use glue to redefine an icon. In the work glue symbolizes the drudgery, sin, and the mortality we deal with on a daily basis. The crucifix means something more than the death it depicts, it represents life. I wish to free the Christ from his symbolic confine of the cross. This figure of Christ is not held down by any glue-while his cross is.  I feel this detail transcends and redefines this crucifix to a true reality of my Savior.


  1. wow. these are so amazing! I saw them last night when I was
    setting up. you are an insane perfectionist. I love it.

  2. The shadows are my favorite part of this piece. they are incredible to look at. you need an image that shows the shadows better.
