Thursday, July 8, 2010

My style of paper carving lends itself to floral designs and patterns. It’s not that these designs are inherent in paper - but rather something subconscious. I feel that I have become comfortable carving leafs and blooms as they are prominent themes in my work. I am now able to intricately and realistically render these themes.
Now, I am at point where I don’t try to abstract my cutting but rather embrace what it is. Even when I do abstract something that is not organic, it becomes organic. I feel that there is something fundamental to the structure of the plant that I embrace- symmetry is natural to me, yet I enjoy subtly offsetting the symmetry.
  My recent work no longer explores but exemplifies my floral development. Paper carving is a grey area of the arts. I am not quite sure what carving means artistically, especially in our contemporary environment, but I feel it deserves attention.